Sony says no 3D PSP anytime soon, questions Nintendo 3DS announcement
With the Nintendo 3DS announcement generating a lot of buzz today in the interwebs, a lot of people were expecting Sony to fireback with the announcement of their own. Well they didn't, but they have a lot to say with the Big N's surprise revelation. Speaking with IGN, SCEA's Director of Hardware and Marketing John Koller has said that fans should not expect a 3D PSP anytime soon:
Our focus on 3D right now is on the console. There's a tremendous amount of opportunity on PlayStation 3 with 3D. The amount of interest in 3D from the retail side and game publishers is off the charts. We know we have a hit with 3D on PS3 and we're going to concentrate our efforts there.
I think it remains to be seen where Nintendo goes with 3D on a portable. Having been in the portable space for quite awhile, I think it's an interesting move but one I'd like to see where they go from a demographic standpoint. 8 and 9 year olds playing 3D is a little bit of a stretch given where some of our research is right now.
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